Oar collars

To protect the wood of the oars while rowing, you need so-called oar collars. I bought a piece of leather for it. The boat had to be put in the garden and I had to take place on the seat and put the oars in the right position. With that I found out the exact place for the 'buttons' on the oar collar.
The button prevents the oar from sliding. It is made of small leather on the collar.
I expected the leather stretchable and made the collars 1 cm smaller than the circumference of the oar. While sewing the oar collar together, I found out that there is some space between the two sides. Probably no problem, but with the second one I will try to wet is with water. The button will be made of some small pieces of leather, glued with epoxy on the collar. The holes are punched and drilled. The end of the waxed yarn is made stiff with help of a match flame in order to be able to get it through the holes.


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