
The central double bulkhead is finished. The star knobs were sold-out but I found nice large wing nuts. Between the parts I have put cardboard. Att first it appeared to be that thick that the nuts could hardly be turned on the bolts, so I took a hammer and flattened the cardboard a bit. With this cardboard it will be easier to split the boat and get a 'nested pram'.
Finally the stitching process could start. Instead of the recommended copper wire, I used a kind of iron wire used in gardens. Just the size to get through the little drill holes in the planks.
I had some problems to get the planks in place at the ends, at the transoms. Putting the sawhorses at the end made the 'boat' more round which made it less difficult. With help of my daughter, we finally succeeded. In the meantime we both stitched ourselves by the super sharp wire ends. Still some more planks to do and then it's time to glue the planks together between the stitches. Probable next weekend.
The daggerboard case spacers should be 18 mm thick, but the daggerboard itself is some millimeters less. I expected to be a loose, moving daggerboard. I emailed John Harris, the owner of CLCboats and he recommended to make the case not too small, since it would be a disaster when the daggerboard would stuck.

The space between the planks and the transoms will be filled with thickened epoxy.

Central bulkhead with nuts.

Second layer of eppoxy on the inside of the future rudder head.

One side of the daggerboard box. 

Top of the daggerboard.


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