To make or to buy

My boat can be built with a kit. Cheasapeak Light Craft do sell them for about $1100. And if you want to sail with it, you have to spend an extra $955. I want to save some mosatisfactory to make everything by yourself.

The boat will be a saling boat. You can buy a simple aluminum mast, boom and gaff, but I willl make them of wood and epoxy. It can't be that complicated. The best way to prevent them from warping is to glue two halves with epoxy. Because it is still freezing in the shed, I have to wait until it is warm enough.

Today I have studied sailmaking. Sailrite in the USA soes sell kits for sewing it. The simpel little sail kit still costs $165. Sailmaking is not easy. It is not just a 2D square but it has to have a sort of curve in order to make the boat sail. I have found software that can help you to design the exact parts of the sail. It generates a CAD file whoch can be used in a sailcut machine. I hope to find a way in which I can print it scale 1:1.

I expected to easily find a shop for the cloth, but I have not found any until now. Luckily I have plenty of time.

Another side project: the oars. Here is a webpage about the making. There are oars with flat blades and with spoon blades. The last ones are a bit more difficult to make. The first ones do fit better with the type of my boat, I think. I don't know yet what sort of wood I need.

The dimensions of the oars are important. There are some formulas for it. Here is one.


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